Torresen Marine Sailing School students and teacher - careers - Engine


We are always interested in adding crew members who share our passion for sailing and knowledge of the craft.

Yard Workers

We are looking for extra hands to assist with the 2024 launch season. The responsibilities include services related to the handling and prep of boats for spring launch. Primarily outdoor, hands on, work. This position starts full time. For the right candidate there is also potential for this to become a year round job.

Fiberglass repair technician/ Paint prep

We are looking for an experienced and skilled technician to add to our established boat refinishing crew. The responsibilities include fiberglass repair, hull fairing and paint prep work. This position would be full time starting immediately.

Submit Your Resume

If you would like to place your information on file, send resumes to:

Employment –
Torresen Marine, Inc.
3003 Lake Shore Drive
Muskegon, Michigan 49441

or email resume to: [email protected]