The Muskegon Sail & Power Squadron is offering a free boating course on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the USS SILVERSIDES Submarine Museum in Muskegon, Michigan. The course will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end about 4:30 p.m. and includes four lessons.
- Styles of boats, required safety equipment & docking techniques.
- Navigation rules and aids to navigation, lights and sound signals, government regulations, Michigan and local regulations.
- Types of anchor and anchoring techniques, adverse conditions and emergencies, communications afloat, water sports safety, trailering your boat.
- Personal watercraft operation, regulation and license requirements.
It is free to monitor the course. If you wish to write and pass an exam, approved by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Law Enforcement Division, you will receive a DNR Boating Safety Certificate and a certificate from the United States Sail and Power Squadrons. There is a $15 fee for administrating the exam and registering your certificate with the State of Michigan.
If you wish to purchase a package that includes the exam and the following United States Power Squadron material, 240 page book, a CD with the course material and a CD of charts, the charge is $45.00.
The benefits of taking this course are:
- Many insurance companies provide boating insurance discounts to boaters who have earned a USPS certificate.
- This course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and is recognized by the United States Coast Guard.
- The course offers an opportunity to meet and socialize with other boaters, sail and power.
- The training will be by qualified, experienced boating instructors. This “America’s Boating Course” is taught by more than 420 squadrons in the United States and the entire Canadian Power Squadrons.
If you would like to register or get more information, please call 231-755-3476.
An educated boater is a safer boater, and safe boating is FUN boating.